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Skills as Data


How to capture your Skills as Data

The two critical areas required to record Skills as Data are:

Skills and Competency Assessments, leveraging industry best practice and internationally recognised data sets to assess an individual’s professional attributes of:

  • Knowledge: “I know something”.

  • Experience: “I have done something”.

  • Tooling and Equipment: “I can use something”.

  • Behaviours: “This is who I am”.

  • Leadership: “This is how I lead others”.

Verification and Compliance Management, incorporating the centralised and robust management of:

  • Qualifications: Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree.

  • Certifications and Registrations: Technical Certifications, Professional Registrations, First Aid, OH&S.

  • Licences: Drivers Licence, Pilots Licence, Real Estate Licence, Builders Licence.

  • Checks and Clearances: Police Check, Security Clearances, Working with Children.

  • References: Objective, Aligned, Automated, Documented.

Skills and Competency Assessments

Seera leverages industry best practice and internationally recognised Skills and Competency datasets to describe professional attributes of Knowledge, Experience, Use of Tooling and Equipment, Behaviour, and or Leadership, along with specific levels of proficiency or responsibility typically attained within each skill or competency. 

It is by assessing against these standardised definitions that enables Seera to quantify your Skills as Data.

SEERA HR software, SeeraCloud, Competency Framework.gif

In the example below, one person's assessment as level 3 can be objectively considered the same level of proficiency or capability as someone else's assessment as level 3, regardless of their sex, age, race, or any other personal attributes. This approach replaces natural biases with unprecedented transparency and integrity.

Strategic Planning Competency

Competency Description: The creation, iteration and maintenance of a strategy in order to align organisational actions, plans and resources with business objectives and the development of plans to drive forward and execute that strategy. Working with stakeholders to communicate and embed strategic management via objectives, accountabilities, and monitoring of progress.

Proficiency Level 1: Ensures that all stakeholders adhere to the strategic management approach and timetables. Collates information and creates reports and insights to support strategy management processes. Develops and communicates plans to drive forward the strategy. Contributes to the development of policies, standards and guidelines for strategy development and planning.

Proficiency Level 2: Sets policies, standards, and guidelines for how the organisation conducts strategy development and planning. Leads and manages the creation or review of a strategy which meets the requirements of the business. Develops, communicates, implements and reviews the processes which ensure that the strategic management is embedded in the management and operational plans of the organisation.

Proficiency Level 3: Leads the definition, implementation, and communication of the organisation’s strategic management framework and directs the creation and review of a strategy and plans to support the strategic requirements of the business.

A collection of related skills and competency definitions is called a framework or dataset.  Dozens of public domain frameworks and datasets already exist, addressing most major professional domains or industry verticals and or capability horizontals, such as:

However, all such frameworks and datasets have one major limitation. They, themselves, are typically published as static spreadsheets or document compositions, making them difficult to leverage across the enterprise in their native form.

Our framework agnostic SeeraCloud and MySeera platforms amplify the benefits and agility of these frameworks and datasets by converting their static composition into powerful and dynamic, enterprise scale, webforms, databases, workflows, and analysis reports, all secured by Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform.

Verification and Compliance Management

Meanwhile, multi-disciplinary workforces are often underpinned by regulatory or business-critical Verification and Compliance requirements that every employee and contractor must attain and or adhere to in order to perform their roles lawfully and effectively.  Verification and Compliance artefacts include Qualifications, Certifications, Registrations, Licenses, Checks, Clearances, and References.

SeeraCloud and MySeera store digital versions of these, typically static document artefacts, securely and centrally which, together with expiry date notifications and automated compliance checking and alerts, greatly minimises your risk of non-compliance.